Thursday, May 1, 2014

Resotre Single tablespace in 11g

server001[oracle]_ORCLPROD> rman target / auxiliary  sys/oracle@temp2 catalog rmanadmin/rman_psswd@rmancatalog

Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Sun Jul 29 04:23:34 2012

Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.

connected to target database: ORCLPROD (DBID=1650044020)
connected to recovery catalog database
connected to auxiliary database: TEMP2 (not mounted)

RMAN> run
set until time "to_date('03-JUL-201212:00:00','dd-mm-yyyyhh24:mi:ss')";
allocate auxiliary  channel ch1 type 'sbt_tape' parms 'ENV=(NB_ORA_SERVER=netbacksev1_b,NB_ORA_CLIENT=server001_b)';
allocate auxiliary  channel ch2 type 'sbt_tape' parms 'ENV=(NB_ORA_SERVER=netbacksev1_b,NB_ORA_CLIENT=server001_b)';
duplicate target database to temp2 nofilenamecheck skip tablespace USERS,TBS1,TBS2,TBS3,TBS4,TBS5,TBS6,TBS7;

executing command: SET until clause
Violation: ORA-39906: Constraint SYS_C0050693 between table GETS_SO.GETS_SO_ATS_PROJECT in tablespace OTD and table GETS_SO.GETS_SO_SWPT_SSO_SHOP_ORD in tablespace SWPT_TABLES.
Violation: ORA-39908: Index GETS_SO.GETS_SO_NRE_BUSINESS_MST_PK in tablespace OTX_INDEXES enforces primary constraints  of table GETS_SO.GETS_SO_NRE_BUSINESS_MST in tablespace OTD.
Violation: ORA-39908: Index GETS_SO.GETS_SO_NRE_CUSTOMER_MST_PK in tablespace OTX_INDEXES enforces primary constraints  of table GETS_SO.GETS_SO_NRE_CUSTOMER_MST in tablespace OTD.
Violation: ORA-39908: Index GETS_SO.GETS_SO_NRE_ESR_DETAIL_PK in tablespace OTX_INDEXES enforces primary constraints  of table GETS_SO.GETS_SO_NRE_ESR_DETAIL in tablespace OTD.
Violation: ORA-39907: Index GETS_SO.GETS_SO_NRE_ESR_DSGN_TSK_IE2 in tablespace OTX_INDEXES points to table GETS_SO.GETS_SO_NRE_ESR_DSGN_TSK in tablespace OTD.
Violation: ORA-39907: Index GETS_SO.GETS_SO_NRE_ESR_RPT_TSK_IE1 in tablespace OTX_INDEXES points to table GETS_SO.GETS_SO_NRE_ESR_RPT_TSK in tablespace OTD.

released channel: ch1
released channel: ch2
released channel: ch3
released channel: ch4
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03002: failure of Duplicate Db command at 07/29/2012 05:13:00
RMAN-05501: aborting duplication of target database
RMAN-05548: The set of duplicated tablespaces is not self-contained

The red part is an enhancement in 11g. When we skipped some tablespaces, oracle will check dependency on remaining tablespace through TTS transport check procedure. If the check failed, then rman will refuse to restore.

How to skip that? The only method is to use no-target duplicate.
Since the tablespace checking relies on target database, so with this method, oracle can't check the dependency from target DB:

no target duplicate:
rman auxiliary / catalog catalog rmanadmin/rman_psswd@rmancatalog
set dbid 21111;
set until time "to_date('03-JUL-201212:00:00','dd-mm-yyyyhh24:mi:ss')";
allocate auxiliary  channel ch1 type 'sbt_tape' parms 'ENV=(NB_ORA_SERVER=netbacksev1_b,NB_ORA_CLIENT=server001_b)';
allocate auxiliary  channel ch2 type 'sbt_tape' parms 'ENV=(NB_ORA_SERVER=netbacksev1_b,NB_ORA_CLIENT=server001_b)';
duplicate database to temp backup location  'sbt_tape' nofilenamecheck skip tablespace USERS,TBS1,TBS2,TBS3,TBS4,TBS5,TBS6,TBS7;

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